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Crime & Safety

Investigation Into Found Mail Ongoing, Sheriffs Say

Capt. Blaine Bolin of the Lomita Sheriff Station addresses concerns about identity theft and local burglaries in Rolling Hills.

The is continuing its probe into the discovery of U.S. mail at a Rolling Hills house that has raised concerns of possible identity theft among community residents.

Earlier this month, authorities found the mail—which was not addressed to the house—and stolen property at a home at 77 Eastfied Drive, said Capt. Blaine Bolin of the Lomita Sheriff Station in a Sept. 10 letter to Rolling Hills residents. 

Bolin said the home had been under surveillance for over a year in connection with burglaries and possible narcotics violations, but the effort did not produce enough evidence for arrests. After the residents were evicted, a real estate agent cleaning the house found the mail over the Labor Day weekend.

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Unbeknownst to the sheriffs, a list of the addresses among the discovered mail was emailed among neighbors, raising concerns about identity theft and connections to local burglaries in recent years.

To address the community's questions, the Sheriff's Department held a public meeting attended by about 150 people on Sept. 6 at . 

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Those who attended were told the Sheriff's Department is "leaving no stone unturned" to investigate any identity theft and burglaries related to the case, Bolin said.

The recovered mail appears to be mainly from May and June. All residents whose letters were found have been notified by the post office, according to Bolin. Those who received the notices are asked to contact the Sheriff's Lomita Station if they spot an unauthorized use of their credit or personal information or have reason to file a fraud report. 

The Sheriff's Department also said there was no evidence or reports of prostitution or drug dealing at the residence in the past two years.

Bolin said while the evidence collected at the residence has a "diluted chain of custody, it will be useful, in partnership with residence credit/identity theft reports, for proving fradulent activity."

The house is now occupied by a house sitter and is being prepared for sale. The former residents are no longer in the neighborhood, he said.

Bolin reminded residents to protect their personal information by taking precautions with their mail and information on computers.

If residents have any questions, an identity theft to report or information on the case, they are asked to call Detective Peterson at 310-891-3219. 

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